很多学外语的亲,都默默地将“同传”定为自己的目标。然而除了足够多的练习之外,要做好同传还需要知道一些技巧,今天我们就要跟你分享 七条汉英同传技巧 (Skills for Chinese-English Simultaneous Interpreting),希望对梦想成为同传的各位小伙伴有所帮助!
Linguistic anticipation语言预测:利用对句式结构和语言搭配的丰富经验,根据上半句的结构判断出下半句的大体状况。
Extra-linguistic anticipation语言外预测:利用对会议内容的丰富经验,与对发言人语言基调的判断,预测发言人的发言内容。
1. 十三亿人口的中国保持稳定和加快发展,对促进亚太地区及世界的稳定性和发展,具有极其重要的意义。
China has 1.3 billion people. To maintainits stability and accelerate its development is playing an important role in the stability and development in Asia-Pacific and the world atlarge.
2. 我谨代表中国政府,并以我个人的名义,对各位来自英国的代表们表示热烈的欢迎,并向所有关心中国经济发展的朋友们表示衷心的感谢!预祝本次大会取得圆满成功!
On behalf of the Chinese Government, and in my personal name, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to the delegates from the UK. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all friends who are interested in China’s economic development. I wish this conference a complete success!
技巧 2:Paraphrasing意译
某代表谈到欧盟农业政策时,说到“If the CIF price of produce at the community border is below the guideline price as determined under the Common Market Organization, then a levy, which is not a tariff duty, is imposed.”
这种意译法虽然不是很到位,但总比勉强为之,反而译错了Common Market Organization和levy要好。
1. 今天,专心致志进行现代化建设的中国人民,更加需要一个长期的和平国际环境和良好的周边环境。
Today, the Chinese people who are committed to modernization need more than ever a long-term international environment of peace and a favorable neighboring environment.
2. 这次访问给予我一直以来都向往的机会,来亲眼看一看中国人民取得的成就。
This visit gives me the opportunity which I have long sought after to see for myself the achievements of the Chinese people.
技巧 3:Simplification简约
1. 任何人不得将个人利益置于国家利益和社会利益之上。
Nobody shall place his own interests abovethose of the state and the society.
2. 中国一贯主张裁军,反对一切军备竞赛,既反对常规军备竞赛,更反对核军备竞赛;既反对地面上的军备竞赛,也反对在太空进行的军备竞赛。
China consistently stands for disarmamentand is opposed to all kinds of arms race, conventional or nuclear, on theground or in outer space.
1. 我们应该牢牢把握中美关系的大局,妥善解决分歧,不断朝着增进了解、扩大共识、发展合作、共创未来的目标前进。
We should take a firm hold of the overall interests of Sino-US relation and settle our differences properly so as to develop mutual understanding, cooperation and a better future.
2. 所有人都可以借助互联网资源来学习,不论他们是哪个民族、何种性别、何种肤色,只要他们可以接入互联网,都能进行学习。
All can study with the help of Internet resources, regardless of their race, nationality, and gender, as long as they have access to the Internet.
技巧 4:Addition增补
1. 中国是一个有五千年文明历x史的国家,从历史文化来了解和认识中国,是一个重要的视角。
China is a country with 5,000 years ofcivilization. Therefore, to approach China from its history and culture forms an important perspective.
In these past few days, I have heldin-depth and beneficial talks with Prime Minister Hawk and other leaders of the Australian Government, as well as met with Australian personnel of various walks of life. As a result, I am even more confident about the future of Sino-Australian relations.
加as well as和as a result使逻辑关系更明确。
2. 实践已充分证明,广东的发展离不开港澳,港澳的发展也离不开广东,德江书记在今年春节前夕一次座谈会上也降到:”港澳好,广东好;广东好,港澳好”。
It has been fully proved that Guangdong’sdevelopment couldn’t have been achieved without Hong Kong and Macau, while the development of Hong Kong and Macau couldn’t have been achieved without Guangdong either. Secretary Zhang Dejiang of the CPC Provincial Committee, in one of his meetings before the Spring Festival this year, also remarked, “If Hong Kong and Macau are prosperous, Guangdong will be prosperous too. And vice versa.”
技巧 5:Conversion转换
1. 总统批准增加拨款500万美元,解决沙漠部队饮水问题。
The president has approved an additional 5 million US dollars to provide the desert troops with drinking water.
2. 我此次访问的范围很广。这表明我国政府认识到中国正在进行的现代化建设的重要性及其对两国关系可能产生的影响。
The extentof my visit symbolizes my Government’s awareness of the importance of the modernization taking place in China and the implications of that for our relationship
3. 依靠市场力量和竞争,促进企业进取精神,在追求经济效率的过程中,这些已成为所有国家的共同点。
Reliance on market forces and competitiveness and promotion of entrepreneurial initiative in the pursuit of economic efficiency, have become common features of all countries.
技巧 6:Opposition反说
A brandname can be seen, spoken out and written out, while a brand logo can only beseen instead of being spoken out.(被动)
对已经完成的内容进行总结性归纳:among others, so on
The coastal open cities should fulfill these tasks: conscientiously carrying out transformationand upgrading of technologies, improving the management and making efforts in improvement of the traditional products and the development of new products.
1. 广东是中国大陆地域经济大省,2004年广东生产总值达到16039亿元,人均生产总值达到19707元,财政总收入是3539亿元人民币,外贸进出口3571亿美元,实际利用外资直接投资到去年累计1505亿美元,生产总值占全国的1/9,外贸进出口占1.3。
Guangdong is a major economic power of China’s mainland. In 2004, Guangdong’s GDP reached 1.6039 trillion yuan, per capita GDP standing at 19,707yuan; total fiscal revenues reached 353.9 billion yuan; total import and export volume reached 357.1 billion USD; actual utilization of FDI last year totaled 150.5 billion USD, all of which accounting for a large proportion of thenational total.
2. 广东还积极推动包括闽、赣、湘、粤、桂、琼、川、黔、滇9省(区)以及港、澳两个特别行政区在内的“泛珠三角”区域合作,简称“9+2”区域合作。
Guangdong is also actively promoting thePan Pearl River Delta regional cooperation, known as the “9+2” RegionalCooperation, which involves 9 provinces or autonomous regions, and 2 special administrative regions of HongKong and Macau.
实例分析 case Analyais:
Background Information:
The remarks were made by Hu Jintao at thegala opening of the 2005 Fortune Global Forum in Beijing(2005 北京《财富》全球论坛).
Key Words:
时代华纳集团:Time Warner Inc
古代宫殿建筑群:ensemble of ancient royal architecture
故宫:Forbidden City / Imperial Palace
外汇储备:foreign exchange reserve
内忧外患:domestic suffering and foreign invasion
万众一心:of one mind
科学发展观:scientific approach
资源节约型社会:resource-effective society
列强的野蛮侵略:brutal foreign aggression /invasion
封建统治的腐败无能:corrupt and incompetent feudal rulers
综合国力:overall national strength
小康社会:a moderately prosperous soceity
1. 在这美好的夜晚,我很高兴同大家在这里相聚,
On this beautiful evening, I am very delighted to be with you here
to join in the opening ceremony of the 2005 FORTUNE Global Forum。
Knowledge of the background information
2. 首先, 我谨代表中国政府,
Tobegin with, I'd like to, on behalf of the Chinese government,
and in my personal name,
express my sincere wish to all of you.
Congratulations tothe forum sponsor, Time Warner Inc!
3. 这次论坛确定以“中国和新的亚洲世纪”为主题,
This forum, with “China and the New Asian Century” as the theme,
shows that we are all concerned about the prospects of China and Asia.
The development of China and Asia has played an important role in the global economy. And this role is our big concern.
4. 在经济全球化趋势深入发展的条件下,
As economic globalization continues,
China and Asia are becoming a new engine for the global economic development,
The global boom will also provide China and Asia with new opportunities.
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